Jody DeVere
When it comes to purchasing a new or pre-owned car, the process isn’t always the easiest or the most stress free. Although a complex and lengthy process for both genders, buying a car can be extra stressful for the female population. Luckily, SmartFem.com has welcomed a new expert, Jody DeVere, into its midsts who is above and beyond educated in the automotive industry.
Jody DeVere is, as stated in her personal bio, “an industry pundit and spokesperson for the automotive industry on the women’s market.” She is the CEO of AskPatty.com, which is a site that provides women consumers with the automotive education they need, as well as train women on the methods of attracting, selling, retaining, and marketing as automotive retailers through her online and interactive Certified Female Friendly® certification training program.
Throughout the interview with Jody DeVere, it was made clear that there are a plethora of topics dealing with the automotive industry that most women lack knowledge on. From credit scores and zero percent income to finding out the consumer has more power than people think, Jody DeVere shared the vast expanse of her knowledge on the ins and the outs of purchasing and maintaining a new or preowned vehicle.
The Stress Women Deal With
“Part of the car buying experience for women that causes anxiety isn’t just the haggling, it’s the time it takes. No one really wants to spend 5 or 6 hours at the dealership. It’s not because it’s boring, it’s because most women have a lot on their plate.”
The Importance of Knowing Your Credit Score
“Women in general need to do a better job at finding out their credit score and search for financing before going into a dealership. If you are going to finance a vehicle, you need to know what your credit score is. Most dealerships have excellent financing programs, but if you belong to a credit union then you may be able to get a better financing deal before you go to the dealership. Yet, what I think is most important, even with used cars, is that people need to know exactly what they qualify for. If they have very good credit, those zero percent financing deals would become available to them. If your credit score is 590, then you aren’t going to qualify for zero percent financing.”
“In the long run if you were to buy, let’s say, a $25,000 vehicle, that’s not the total price you are going to have to pay if you are financing. If you’re financing for 6 years, it could end up costing you somewhere closer to $37,000 when all is said and done. Women really need to understand how this all works, and how much they are really going to be spending.”
The Life Span of Today’s Vehicles
“The average time a consumer owns a vehicle has extended. Part of the reason is that all manufacturers have stepped up to the plate, and vehicles really do last longer now. There was a period of time when after 4 or 5 years, you wanted a new vehicle because things started breaking. In most cases, that isn’t happening anymore. Plus vehicles today have really great extended warranties. If you keep your vehicle maintained well, they can last for quite a long time, up to 11 years or even more.”
Bettering Your Financial Literacy
“Even without naming any specific sites, women can search for car payment calculators, which will allow them to see what their specific interest rates would be. They can also Google lease payments calculators, and figure out what it would cost to lease certain vehicles. To do this though, they are still going to have to know what their credit score is first.”
Independent Automotive Dealerships
“There is actually an association called the NIADA: The National Independent Automotive Dealership Association. That is what I would consider a more top tier used car dealer because they are part of an association, and they aspire to give benefits to consumers, and give warrantees and guarantees to protect them. Used car dealerships that are not a part of the NIADA are under no banner to protect you as a consumer. People need to choose the highest level of pre-owned/used car dealers that are under a banner that is used to protect consumers.”
Payday Loans- Trading Cash for Titles
“What people don’t realize is that when they are getting a payday loan, it isn’t actually a payday loan; it’s a loan shark loan. I recommend women stay away from this kind of loan. I think it is very sad these companies exist to pray on consumers. It’s not a good idea to get involved with these payday loans.”
Consumer Power
“Unfortunately for dealerships today, the consumer knows too much so these companies cannot take advantage of their customers anymore. It
takes away the ability for these dealerships to overcharge their customers. Dealerships have become forced, because of the knowledge base, to become more transparent. Today, you can’t really take advantage of the consumer because they can write a horrible review about the dealership on social media or on specific sites, which can’t normally be taken down.”
We here at SmartFem.com are excited to learn from Jody DeVere further in the future, and hear what else she has share with our readers on the automotive world. For immediate answers to any auto-related questions, women can find an Ask Patty Certified Female Friendly® auto dealer, tire dealer, collision center, auto service, and repair centers using the location search at AskPatty.com.