At What Age Should You Start Getting Botox?
There are mixed reviews concerning when to begin receiving Botox, and much of this has to do with the assumption that Botox can be used as more of a preventative rather than a treatment.
And more doctors are seeing patients as young as in their twenties coming into the office asking for Botox.
Botox, or Botulinum toxin, is a neurotoxin protein that prevents the movement of muscles for a temporary length of time, usually lasting up to three months.
Botox is FDA approved and commonly used to treat fine facial lines such as crows feet around the eyes and the eleven lines that form between the eyebrows.
The temporary paralysis of the facial muscles causes fine lines to disappear due to the muscles no longer having the ability to move and fold the skin.
It’s this notion that causes many young patients to believe that Botox can be used as more of a preventative measure.
The idea is that when you paralyze the muscle from moving, you stop the skin from creasing and folding. If you begin this treatment before fine lines have a chance to form, then you are ultimately stoping the process from ever starting.
But doctors have something to say about this method of preventative treatment, and not all agree that starting Botox as young as in your twenties is a good idea.
For starters, patients need to have a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon, facial plastic surgeon, or dermatologist who are licensed to perform Botox on their patients.
Being a good candidate for Botox depends on the patient’s genes, skin, and concerns. The big factor to remember is patients in their twenties still have good volume and thickness to their skin.
It’s not until entering thirties and forties does the face begin to loose volume, thickness, and the ability to reproduce collagen quickly.
It’s at this stage in life when fine lines can begin to form, whereas patients in their twenties, their skin can withstand the constant
Again, much of this has to do with each person’s individual skin and how they age. For some, beginning the Botox journey in their twenties might be the right fit for them.
When it comes to a definitive starting point, many doctors agree not worrying about receiving Botox until entering your thirties or forties, especially since it’s a commitment to achieve and maintain the results.