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Easy Ways to Transition Your Wardrobe from Summer to Fall

Fashion elegant woman wearing a black jacket, brown hat and skirt with a handbag clutch walking on a European city center. (Fashion elegant woman wearing a black jacket, brown hat and skirt with a handbag clutch walking on a European city center., ASC

Easy Ways to Transition Your Wardrobe from Summer to Fall

It’s hard to believe it’s almost fall. While most states are still feeling the high summer temperatures, the cooler months will be here before we know it. One of the most stressful aspects about changing seasons is the thought of having to transition your wardrobe yet again.

Caucasian woman is reaching for clothes from her closet.

Constantly changing weather, styles, and trends make it hard to keep a consistent wardrobe. If you’re dreading the idea of having to transition your wardrobe from summer to fall, you don’t have to. Below are five easy ways to make it a seamless transition.

Add tights

One of the first things to be put away when summer is over are those fun dresses and skirts, but I highly recommend keeping them handy in the chillier months. Something as easy as adding leggings or tights under the shorter pieces can add warmth and flair to your outfit.

Try playing with fun colors like plum or burgundy to make it even more chic.


Depending on where you live, Fall can be a deceiving season. Some days are colder than others, and sometimes you’re left wearing a jacket on a warm day. This is why it’s so important to learn to layer. No, this does not mean a jacket over your top. This means having multiple pieces that can be easily added or removed from your look without ruining the outfit.

Keep layering pieces handy in your wardrobe. Tanks, cardigans, and scarfs make great layering items.

Ignore rules

White after Labor Day, mixing prints, or that short women shouldn’t wear maxis are all fashion rules we should resolve to break. Fashion and style are what you make it, so it’s time you make your own rules and wear what makes you feel your best.

The only way to know what works for you is to experiment. So, get out there and discover your style.

Stay inspired

It’s normal to feel stuck in a style rut, especially with the changing seasons. Trust me, I even feel stuck at times. This is why it’s so important to get inspired daily. Whether it’s from your favorite influencer on Instagram, or by searching looks on Pinterest, it all works.

Start a Pinterest board titled something like “Fall Fashion” and start adding ideas to it today.

Add your touch

Fashion and style are only fun if they make you feel like the best version of yourself. While getting inspired can help you boost your creativity, you should avoid copying someone’s style piece for piece. Leave room for additions that make you unique. Whether it’s your corky glasses, fun belt, or huge handbag, make the look yours.

The easiest way to add your personal touch to your outfit is to accessorize. O keep them handy and always finish the look with a statement piece.

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