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Simple Ways to Find the Time and Energy for Your Side Hustle

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Simple Ways to Find the Time and Energy for Your Side Hustle

When I re-entered the workforce after three years as an entrepreneur, I never imagined how difficult it would be to stay on top of my side hustles while prioritizing a full-time job. For over a year, I have balanced my time between my job, my side hustles, family, and the 50 other responsibilities I’m in charge of.

Maintaining a side hustle while working a full-time job isn’t easy, but it’s doable. Below are four simple ways to find the time and energy for your side hustle.

Prioritize the passion

To find the time and energy for your side hustle you must first find the passion and connection that led you on this journey in the first place. Was it your love for art? Your passion for engineering? Your desire to help the less fortunate? Spend some time reconnecting with that passion and reignite that fire that you’ve buried somewhere inside of you. I know it’s in there somewhere.

Get up early

You can’t complain about not having enough time for your side hustle if you don’t make an effort to find the time. I know, I know, we all have 24 hours in a day, but not all of us spend those 24 hours doing the most efficient things. Of course, sleep is important and should be prioritized, but is there something you can cut out of your night routine to get you to go to sleep earlier and, in turn, wake up earlier too?

Time block your tasks

If you can’t figure out where all your time is going and where you can find the time to squeeze a task for your side hustle, try time blocking. You’d be surprised how much you can get done in one day by simply scheduling your day in advance and keeping track of what your hour-to-hour schedule looks like each day.

Use downtime to cross things off your to-do list

We all have small nuggets of downtime throughout our days that can serve as a great opportunity to check things off your side-hustle-to-do-list. Whether it’s the bus ride home to work, the 30-minute hold you’re on to check on your lost package, or hanging out at your child’s thirst baseball game this week. Take those small pockets of time and do small but mighty tasks you would have otherwise not had time to accomplish.

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