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Damsel in Defense: Helping To Empower Women Against Violence

473f2aa9ff0fe257a234d0b70a99fbe4One in five women will be a victim of rape at some point in their life, according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, and for Cheryl Lacy that’s one too many.

Lacy is an independent damsel director with Damsel in Defense, an online company that provides education and tools for women and children to help prevent them from being a victim of violence.

Founded by Mindy Lin and Bethany Hughes in 2011, Lacy joined in 2012 after her friend was a victim of domestic violence.

“I absolutely fell in love with the mission of the company,” Lacy said.

Lacy’s friend also happened to be a Damsel in Defense representative, and was educated on how to protect herself after her husband became violent with her.

And when he broke into her home one night and attempted to attack her, Lacy’s friend was able to use the stun gun she kept near by to get away from a potentially life threatening situation.

The Damsel in Defense company’s mission is to equip, empower and educate women so they are no longer vulnerable targets.

And that has continued to be Lacy’s personal mission, growing her team to 80 women since October 2015.

Some of the many products featured on the website include stun guns with flashlights, pepper spray that omits a dying agent that can even be traced with a blacklight up to a week after an attack, and Kubotans. 

But the educational tools don’t stop with women. Interactive books called S.A.F.E. Hearts are geared for parents to take a proactive approach toward teaching themselves about the signs of sexual abuse, while also educating children in a comfortable manner.

One in four girls and one in five boys will be sexually abused before turning 18, according to the NSVRC, and it’s eliminating these statistics that drive so many who are Damsel in Defense representatives.

“Damsel in Defense is unique because it’s not just a company of products, it’s a company of heart,” Lacy said.

And the company is also heavily involved with various charities including the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, and Wipe Every Tear, an organization dedicated to building safe houses for girls and women who have been rescued from sex trafficking.

“We need to continue to support charities for women who are victims of violence,” Lacy said.

Educational tools and products can be purchased directly through a Damsel in Defense representative. All purchases also come with a safety and instruction class to teach women how to properly and effectively use them.

But it’s continued education that Lacy says will help to combat violence against women and children, and eliminate the horrible statistics once and for all.

For more information about Damsel in Defense visit their website at

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