Chambers Clinic in North Scottsdale recently acquired Integrated Medical Specialists, and the two locations merged as one January 1, 2014.
Dr. Keith Chambers of Chambers Clinic in North Scottsdale, the number one naturopath clinic in the Scottsdale area, recently acquired the Integrated Medical Specialist. The two practices will now be located in one convenient office at Dr. Chambers’ Grayhawk office in North Scottsdale.
Not only will the revamped Chambers Clinic have more doctors available, but the number of services offered will increase. Instead of offering colonics two days a week, Chambers Clinic will now be performing this procedure five days a week to best cater to the patient and customer. Physician staff numbers have increased from four on call staff members, to ten. Chambers Clinic in Scottsdale opens earlier than ever so patients will have more flexibility throughout their day.
With a larger staff, more advanced technology, and with one of the only naturopathic cardiologists in the country, Chambers Clinic is one of the fastest growing naturopathic practices in Arizona. Dr. Chambers and all of the naturopathic physicians at Chambers Clinic North Scottsdale will provide expanded procedures and its usual exceptional patient care, as it continues to grow.

Dr. Keith Chambers at the Chambers Clinic office at Grayhawk.
I would like to make an appointment to come in in regards to weight loss.
Thank you