The Buzzies look almost like a watch.
They are a neuroscience wearable technology that creates a sequenced and adjustable vibration which interrupts the brain when you feel are spinning out of control. Your brain is disrupted in a matter of seconds and de-escalates stress quickly. You wear them on your wrists and you program the settings by an app on your mobile phone.
If you or someone you love is suffering from stress or anxiety the Buzzies may be just what you need. I am excited to say that not only does SmartFem believe in Buzzies but we also use them. If you would like some instant relief click here and order your own set.
Dr. Amy Serin teamed up with her business partner Vicki Mayo, a child advocate, and created the buzzies. Surprised by their own success they have been able to get the product out there quickly through a successful kickstarter campaign. After all, who wouldn’t want immediate relief from stress and anxiety?