Six Tips to Get You Through Postpartum Recovery
Giving birth is an amazing experience, but it can also be incredibly difficult to deal with after you have met your baby. Postpartum is the delicate time where you are recovering from the trauma that your body experienced during childbirth, as well as adjusting to life as a new mother.
Ask Your Family and Friends for Help
When you are recovering from childbirth, you must have a team of loved ones to help you through the transition from pregnancy to motherhood. You should not feel ashamed of asking people to help you out, like assembling meals, watching the baby, or simply just keeping you company. They will often be glad to help and will love spending time with your newborn.
Regulate Your Hormones
When you are in postpartum, your hormones tend to be all over the place. One of the biggest changes is that your levels of progesterone and estrogen, which increase dramatically while you are pregnant, go back to normal levels. This change is what often causes postpartum depression because even if your levels are adjusting to normal, it still feels like symptoms of depression. However, you can use products like a hormone balance supplement to feel like yourself again.
If you give birth vaginally, you will most likely be suffering from trauma and pain in that area. One of the aspects of childbirth that is not often discussed is how to take care of the open wounds that you have after you have been stitched up. A great way to combat the pain and discomfort associated with childbirth is using witch hazel, which can have a cooling and calming element, and ice packs. Many women will spread witch hazel onto large pads, freeze them, and change them regularly throughout the day to help with the healing process.
Have Time Away from the Baby
Although bonding with your infant is extremely important, you need to realize that you are still your own person. Therefore, try to get time away from your newborn occasionally, either alone or with your partner or spouse. You can simply step away for an hour to go for a walk in the park, or even go on a date night if you are feeling up to it. This can help immensely with symptoms of postpartum depression so that you are not completely consumed with caring for your baby and forget about your own wellbeing in the process.
Don’t Stress About Breastfeeding
Sleep When the Baby Sleeps
It is a phrase that has been repeated through many generations, but it remains true. Parents of newborns suffer from sometimes extreme sleep deprivation. You must try to rest while your baby is sleeping. You may be tempted to get some chores completed or catch up on your television shows when your baby goes down for a nap, but you should try to close your eyes and rest your body whenever you have the chance. Your body is healing, and you most likely have sleep debt, so grab some shut-eye whenever possible.
You do not need to be fearful of recovering from childbirth. With this advice, you will be able to smoothly transition into becoming a mother.