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Safety Measures to Stay Healthy When Returning to the Office

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Safety Measures to Stay Healthy When Returning to the Office

It’s hard to believe it’s been three months since COVID-19 changed the lives of everyone around the world. Over the last three months, schools have closed, employees have been laid off, and the world has been filled with uncertainty. Those lucky enough to have kept their job are progressively returning to work at their company’s facilities.

While returning to the office seems like a sign of hope and normality, there are a lot of precautions we should take to ensure we remain safe and healthy during the transition.

Practice good hygiene

This should go without saying but washing your hands and disinfecting commonly used areas should be a high priority. Washing or sanitizing your hands frequently is something we’re all going to have to get used to. While most of us are used to washing our hands before we eat or after using the restroom, we’re not used to washing them after simple actions like pressing the elevator button.

While the new habit might seem tedious, it’s for the best. After three months of washing my hands dozens of times a day, I can’t imagine going back. This new habit is here to stay.

Avoid crowded areas

This tip might be easier for some than others, but we can all do our part to avoid crowded areas regardless of how buys our building is. If you work in a busy building, you might want to rethink how you perform your daily tasks. If you usually take the elevator but it seems too crowded, take the stairs, or wait for the next trip.

If you work in an open office and don’t have barriers between desks, ask your supervisor if rearranging workspaces to respect the six feet rule is a possibility.

Avoid sharing food or drinks

Growing up, we’re taught to share everything. Of course, food goes without saying. Unfortunately, trying your co-worker’s muffins is a thing of the past (at least for now). Sharing food or drinks increases the risk of exposure. A small sample of your neighbor’s lunch is not worth the risk.

Wear a mask whenever possible

While wearing a mask won’t completely prevent you from contracting the virus, research shows that wearing a mask does help the spread of COVID. According to Mayo Clinic, face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as frequent hand-washing and social distancing, help slow the spread of the virus.

Masks should not be used as an alternative to social distancing. Staying at least 6-feet away from people is highly encouraged.

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