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How to Convince Your Boss to Let You Work Remotely Full Time

How to Convince Your Boss to Let You Work Remotely Full Time

The pandemic had a big impact on our lifestyles, one of them was the way we worked. Before the pandemic, most of us didn’t realize working from home full time was a possibility. Today, while many professionals continue working from home, many of us are wondering what we can do to convince our bosses to let us work remotely full time.

While working from home has become the new norm, for many of us, this option will fade away as soon as it’s safe for all employees to go back to the office. If you’re enjoying working from home as much as I am, you probably want to convince your boss why it might not be such a great idea. Below are four tips to convince your boss to let you work from home full time.

Keep track of your productivity

One of the biggest hesitancies managers had with having their teams work from home full time was productivity. Many employers thought working from home would be distracting for the employee, causing a loss in revenue for the company. If you’re one of the many employees who saw their productivity increase while working from home, keep track of that. Whether it’s time blocking or a spreadsheet with all your accomplishments, your manager would appreciate seeing all that you’re able to do by working remotely.

Make note of the benefits

In addition to your increased productivity, what other work from home benefits come to mind? Most managers are willing to compromise on your offer, especially when you make valid points. Whether it’s the time (and money) saved commuting, the flexibility to stay home with your kids, or an overall healthier work-life balance, making note of all the benefits of working from home can work in your favor.

Explain your why

The benefits and your why go hand in hand during this conversation. No situations are alike, so your manager will have to evaluate each employee’s situation based on the case they make. Explaining your why goes one step deeper than just an overview of the benefits. Share WHY those benefits are important to you. If the ability to work from home and be with your kids is important to you, share that. If the increased work-life balance has helped your mental health, don’t be shy to share.

Offer a trial period

If there’s one thing the pandemic taught us, it’s that things can change in an instant. Flexibility has become essential, so offer that as an option for your work-from-home situation. Some managers or employers might not want to agree to any long-term plan, but they might be open to a trial period. If you agree to one, make sure to document your takeaways during that time. They’ll come in handy when creating a long-term solution for your request.

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