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Celebrating International Women’s Day

Celebrating International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day! How are you going to celebrate?

Every year on March 8, the world celebrates women and their constant strive for change. Whether it’s celebrating the changes to come, or the changes forged by strong women from the past, today is a day to shout loud and proud how wonderful it is to be a woman.

Celebrated by countries around the world, March 8 became the official date in 1975 by the United Nations. But the celebration of International Women’s Day began well before 1975, according to

The first celebration was held in 1909 by The Socialist Party of America. The day was observed in honor of all the women suffragettes and their continued fight for women’s rights.

With each passing year, more organizations began observing a day for women as the fight continued for everything from safer working conditions to equal pay.

And today the fight doesn’t seem to have changed much from when it first started so many years ago.

Today, women are marching in solidarity for the right to work in an environment free from sexual discrimination and harassment. Today, women are still asking for equal pay as their male counterparts.

And today, women are still insisting for adequate access to healthcare and the right to choose if they want to have an abortion or not.

Whether it’s on social media or in the mainstream news, women everywhere are urging for much needed change, and it’s starting with a new campaign called Press for Progress.

The #Pressforprogress campaign aims to fight for equal rights and gender parity. By getting communities together to rally for change, progress for women to be equal to men can and will happen.

But it’s not just a women’s fight. Men are encouraged to stand up and stand with women in fighting for their rights. A woman is also someone’s daughter, wife, mother or sister. It’s also up to men to show their support for women being seen as their equals.

There are various ways everyone can get involved with International Women’s Day. For more information and ways to be part of your community’s gatherings visit the International Women’s Day website.

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