This is why so many women tend to justify a bad relationship. The more time invested, the greater the need is to convince ourselves our views and efforts were correct.
This act is part of our subconscious, and something you will experience the rest of your life however, at what point does it become unhealthy to ignore the feelings or actions you are trying to justify, and realize they need no justification at all?
As women we are innately caregivers. So much so that during the 1950s a condition known as the housewife’s syndrome became
Yet here we are, 65 years later, and women are still experiencing some degree of the housewife’s syndrome, just at different levels.
So, what do you do when you find yourself in this predicament? Remember, warning signs and red flags come in all shapes and sizes, and if you feel uncomfortable with something don’t feel like you have to justify the fact you are not happy.
For example, controlling behavior. If your partner is attempting to distance you from your friends and family rather than expressing a desire to get to know them, this may be a behavior you don’t have to justify as being okay. Your partner should want to get to know the people who are important to you. Even if he finds he is not fond of one of your friends, he should still be cordial for the sake of your relationships.
Or if your partner doesn’t communicate with you, something that is detrimental to a healthy and thriving relationship. Communication is key, and if your partner is not willing to communicate, or seek help to find ways for the two of you to communicate more effectively, than have no guilt in saying this behavior is something you will not entertain.
Women have become trailblazers, and each generation provides strong women who defy the odds constantly set before us. Never feel ashamed for having ambition and goals, and never feel you have to ignore red flags or justify unhealthy behavior from your spouse.