Letitia Frye, left, with Tamara Dooley
For many people finding their path in life can be a struggle, and for others it seems to be something that falls right into place, almost as though it were lay down in front of them.
For Letitia Frye her path was solid. A successful auctioneer in Arizona, Frye spent her time raising millions for charities while giving motivational speeches. Humanitarian work was part of her driving force, but little did she know how her work would come full circle and impact her in a way she could have never imagined.
Nine years ago Frye was working as an auctioneer when she met Tamara Dooley. Dooley was an employee of the warehouse Frye auctioneered at, working as a forklift driver and inventory worker.
“Tamara looked a bit rough at first glance,” Frye said. “She appeared to be a woman with a hard exterior, mostly due to the fact that her job kept her very dirty.”
But Dooley knew she wanted more. She would ask Frye if she could assist on auction nights, working as a ring assistant for free. She asked questions, took the tips Frye gave her, and continued to show a natural talent and true passion when it came to raising money for charity.
Frye and Dooley worked together for a number of years, and time eventually took Frye away from the warehouse where the two women met.
But time is a funny thing, and as fate would have it, time eventually brought Frye back to the warehouse.
“That December I was asked to teach at an auction academy being held at the warehouse where Tamara still worked,” Frye said.
After the class Dooley approached Frye and compassionately expressed to Frye her love for helping others, and how much she admired and looked up to Frye and her career. Little did they know that a huge change was about to occur.
Over lunch Frye offered to help Dooley with the career she was working so hard for.
“She felt alive in the ring, and she knew she was good at it,” Frye said. “I knew, if given the chance, she could do so much more.”
Frye offered to mentor Dooley, but there were a few changes that needed to happen first.
Dooley was a heavy smoker and suffered from rotted teeth. Frye knew in order to emulate your best self she had to get Dooley feeling better so she could look the part.
Dooley quite smoking and a fate would have it, Frye had a dentist calling her asking if she could help him with his non-profit work.
“I have watched Tamara transform before my very eyes. She has taught me so much, if not more than I have taught her,” Frye said.
And for Dooley the transformation has lead her to finally be able to dedicate her time to her passion and the charity work she loves.
“The best part of it all is being at a charity event to fund an organization that needs help for cures, and to assist ones in need,” Dooley said. “This is my calling and I want to help everyone that I can.”

Dooley, left, and Frye, right, at an event
Both women, no matter how different their lives may have been prior to meeting, show the power of mentorship and friendship.
“I truly believe if we could recognize the potential in another woman, no matter how different they seem to be, and help her reach it we will make one of the most profound investments in our own society and selves,” Frye said.
Frye and Dooley continue to help their community through their careers, and together have built a bond that they both credit as life changing.
Their example of what is means to have a mentor, someone who is genuinely interested in helping another person grow, begins with one person extending a helping hand. And with that extension creates a ripple effect, far larger than the two could have ever imagined.