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Two Women TalkingOver and over in my career as a life and business coach and psychologist, I would often hear my clients say “I hate confrontation! I avoid it like the plague…I don’t want to do anything that could spark an argument or have somebody angry with me.”

Are you one of the many individuals who have been afraid of “confrontation?”  First of all whenever you use the word “confrontation,” this presents a negative connotation that has built up over the years, with painful and perhaps traumatic experiences that have long been anchored in your brain and body.  Of course, you’re going to cringe and find yourself being trapped into holding on to your thoughts and emotions; feeling resentment, anxiety, and powerlessness as to the next event that will trigger situations that cause you to become frustrated, angry, and stuck.

Rather than confronting, I want you to think of how you practice “self care” by standing up for yourself.  You are simply expressing the feelings and thoughts inside of you to let another person know how you are responding on a moment-to- moment to your perceptions and experience.  It is a way of honoring yourself as well as others, so they can have an opportunity to be alerted and alter what they say or the ways they act.  Without that invaluable feedback, others will continue to respond in their customary fashion unaware of the effects they have on you.

When you practice self-care in expressing your thoughts and feelings about another’s actions that disturb or upset you in some way, you are starting a momentum shift:

Whenever you “react out of fear” rather than responding out of love and nurturing for yourself, you end up sabotaging yourself.  You don’t get what you want or deserve; no one will mind read or take over that responsibility for you to fill your needs, to “make you” feel love, cherished, and important.  Yet, by not speaking up, you stockpile resentment toward a business co-worker, life partner, friend, or family m
ember builds up.

Paradoxically, you are often too focused on the needs of others and taking care of them emotionally, so that you can actively or indirectly manage their angry outbursts or protect them from feeling sad, anxious, stressed, and overwhelmed. Instead you suffer in silence and can be out of touch with your own needs and wants, putting these last. The payoff for you is that might feel that you were able to control and avert another’s acting out or catastrophic emotional display. However, you can begin to feel more stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, depressed, angry, and resentful until you finally explode in anger.

Whenever your outburst is much more than the magnitude of that situation, you know that it is the accumulation of past hurt and grievances.  Adding to further damage, is your shame and guilt that you exploded, hijacking your brain and letting your emotions control you instead.  You pull back your needs and wants once again, determined to keep your feelings to yourself.  This self-protective mechanism causes you to defeat yourself even more the next time with pent up anger, frustration, and resentment.

When you allow fear to direct your decisions and actions, you unfortunately are coming from that losing mindset of “avoiding” rather than “empowering your best choices and actions.” Instead, taking action and honoring your feelings within, is a power that you, and only you hold. It is the secret to truly loving yourself and others.

Here are five steps to get started:

 The status quo of work, family, and friends maintains itself.  Even if you don’t get the desired response from the other person, if you are consistent, you will find that both you and others will change as you change. By taking care of your needs first, you give yourself and others love by empowering yourself and freeing others to stop guessing at what you want.  May you awaken the greatness and love within you!



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